Saturday 2 January 2016

Dolly updoooo

Hey guys 
               Today I am going to show you a great up do for all of you lovely Dolly's. A pony tail !! Now you guys are probably like " But Curlygrace I know how to do pony tails " but  this is no regular pony tail this is a Barbie pony. Ok let me show you how to do this voluminous pretty pony tail on my doll (kala)

 First, comb out you dolls hair. Start, from the bottom and go up.
Second, slick back the hair into a half pony. 
Lastly take the bottom half of the hair and Mach it to the top. 
Wow look at that lovely hair 😀😀😀😀😀

Friday 1 January 2016


Hey guys 
 For the last few months I have not been posting as much. :( in soooo sorry. But this year is a new year. Also a new start. It's so much fun with my only doll right now that I'm going to be saving up for another doll ( break open the piggie banks). I love all dolls equal and I would love to get a other style of doll. Again I'm sooooooooooop sorry for not posting and i will do my best to make it a weekly thing.
Ps if you have any doll suggestions I would love to hear them

Sunday 15 November 2015

DIY dolly bed

Hey guys today I'm going to show you how to make your own doll bed. Making things yourself can help you with the cost of doll collecting. I will tell you more about how to cut down the cost of dolly collecting in enother pos. Well let's start!!

 The things I will be using are: 

-two white bins
-a scarf 
-hot glue gun 
-toilet paper/polyester stuffing
 - doll
- floral chain
All of these items ( except the doll) can be found at a local 99cent store!

First thing you have make sure every thing fits. To do this you just have to put your two bins together and make sure it is the same length as your doll. 

Now let's start crafting let your glue gun heat up and hot glue your two bins together 
Let that dry for about two minutes. Or I till it won't move apart. Now flip your bed base (two bins ) over and hot glue the other side.
Now we're done the base we have to do the blanket. This means takeout your scarf. The scarf should go all the way around the baskets like this
Fold the other side of the scarf over and cut the top
Glue all the open edges together except the top. Flip it inside out and then glue the top. This is just make it so it looks a little nicer.
Now to make pillows it's all most the same thing but you don't size it to the bed. Instead you  make it how big you want it to be. And you stuff it.
Let me show you. 
First fold your scarf in half. Then cut out how big you want the pillow to be.
Then glue all side except one. Stuff you pillow with toilet paper or  stuffing through this hole. 
Now your all done bye

Saturday 14 November 2015

Dolly hair care

   It's Curlygrace.
Today I'm going to a ... Dolly hair care!
Your going to need:
-boar brush /toothpaste
-water spray
-brush with hard bristles

 First thing you have to do is dampen your Dolly's hair. Not to wet or not to dry. You have to do this to make sure you dolls hair doesn't break. We also do want curly Dolly's hair to go all frizzy.
Now all were going to do is brush through there hair. Try to use a wire brush but if you don't have one just use a brush with hard brissles!
Now here she is hair all combed out!
Her hair is not perfect yet though. Take a boar brush ( or any brush with the same feeling as a tooth brush)and wet it to get all ohg those flyers (flyaways). This also smooths out your Dolly's hair!
Now she looks just like new!

1st post

Hi ,                                                                                                            

I'm Curlygrace. If you can't tell by the title, I love dolls! Currently, I have one doll. She is a 3 year old Journey Girl doll (the doll brand by Toys R Us).  You will see her in my next post (doll hair care)! Join me as I write about all things doll.
