The things I will be using are:
-two white bins
-a scarf
-hot glue gun
-toilet paper/polyester stuffing
- doll
- floral chain
All of these items ( except the doll) can be found at a local 99cent store!
First thing you have make sure every thing fits. To do this you just have to put your two bins together and make sure it is the same length as your doll.
Now let's start crafting let your glue gun heat up and hot glue your two bins together
Let that dry for about two minutes. Or I till it won't move apart. Now flip your bed base (two bins ) over and hot glue the other side.
Now we're done the base we have to do the blanket. This means takeout your scarf. The scarf should go all the way around the baskets like this
Fold the other side of the scarf over and cut the top
Glue all the open edges together except the top. Flip it inside out and then glue the top. This is just make it so it looks a little nicer.
Now to make pillows it's all most the same thing but you don't size it to the bed. Instead you make it how big you want it to be. And you stuff it.
Let me show you.